Tuesday, May 29, 2012

June 2012

I'm hoping the weather in June is more stable than what we've experienced here in Flandreau during the month of May. While I enjoy thunderstorms, the hail and lightening strikes that have caused damage are unwelcome.

With many people now camping and participating in ball games, gardening, fishing and cooking out with friends we have decided to suspend our Saturday services in Flandreau until September 15 to allow both our volunteers and our attendees time to spend with family & friends.

Corporate (group) Prayer –
Flandreau Campus
June 3 following service
Amazing things happen when believers come together and pray;
 impossible victories are won. Come pray with us!

You can BE the church on Sunday, June 3 and be a part of the EMT (Extreme Ministry Team) as they reshingle the roof of a single mother in Colman. Please contact Troy at 605-864-0023 for more information.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10 am as we continue this message series. If you have missed any of them, remember you can watch here.

Speaking of camping...bring your tents or campers and join us for fun & fellowship. Please plan to provide your own meals. Sunday service will be held at The RESCUE Church as usual.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

Looking ahead to July:
CLASS 101: Discovering Church Membership at The RESCUE Church