Friday, June 29, 2012

July 2012

As we enter this month of celebrating our nation's freedoms, let us not forget and appreciate the sacrifices made by our armed forces that enable us to worship God without fear. The places where our friends and family are stationed are included the top 10 anti-Christian countries. You can see the list here. I frequently question whether we, as a nation, take our Christian freedoms for granted. When people in these war-torn countries accept Christ as their Savior, they risk everything to worship Him and a Bible becomes a treasured gift. Would we risk losing everything, including our lives and those of our families, to meet with other Christians to worship and learn more about God? Many of us have multiple Bibles in various translations, are they gathering dust or opened in anticipation on a regular basis? Summer is traditionally a season of decreased church attendance. Let's make a point of exercising the right to gather as Christians in honor of the men and women who have given their lives and those that willingly put their lives on the line to give us that right.

We finished up the message series "Not So Modern Parenting" and started "20/20 Vision" during the month of June. If you missed any of them or want to hear them again, you can watch them here. This month we will start a series based on the 10 commandments.

Your kids age 4 - grade 5 have been having so much fun they don't even realize how much they're learning! 


The All Church Campout was held over Father's Day weekend. People from both of our campuses were able to attend and enjoy hanging out together and eating s'mores!

Sunday, July 29 we will have our 2nd annual B3 Party. What is B3? Beach, BBQ and Baptisms held at a local lake. Last year there were 16 people who were baptized! You can watch a video here. 

We also blessed another recipient chosen by our EMTs (Extreme Ministry Team). They reshingled the home of a single mother in Colman in just one day! These people went out to "be" the church. A big, huge thanks to everyone who helped with this project and also those who provided meals/beverages for the workers.
Do you know of anyone who could be blessed by the EMTs? Submit your suggestions to

I Want To Know More About This Church!
You're in luck! CLASS 101 - Discovering Church Membership will be held Saturday, July 14th. For more information click here.

Prayer is not a mysterious practice reserved only for clergy and the religiously devout. Prayer is simply communicating with God —listening and talking to him. Believers can pray from the heart, freely, spontaneously, and in their own words. The Flandreau Campus has Corporate Prayer, which simply is people gathering together to pray, monthly following a Sunday worship service. This month join us on July 8th. The Breakthru prayer group meets the 3rd Wednesday at 701 W 3rd Ave in Flandreau at 7 pm and the 4th Tuesday at the Flandreau Campus at noon. We would love to have you join us as we bring praises and requests to God.

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