Thursday, August 30, 2012

September 2012

By now all the kids are back in school. Some happy and some not so much. The same goes for the parents. While it is an exciting time to meet new teachers and catch up with old friends, it an be anxiety ridden for parents who cannot afford to participate in the ritual of new clothes and school supplies. If a kid has previously been on the receiving end of bullying, going back to school can be a fearful time.
I used to wonder why kids seem to be such bullies, but as I read many facebook posts I can see that the adults are no better. Bullies have always been around but now they can terrorize someone through technology as well.
I wish I could get every student to realize that this time in school is so short compared to the time they will spend on this earth. Going through daily bullying has led many kids to attempt or even succeed in suicide.
Adults - we need to step up and model the behavior we want to see in the upcoming generation. Why wait for a tragedy in your community before your eyes are opened? Be proactive.
August was such a busy month for The RESCUE Church! We started out the month by participating in the Moody County Fair Parade. Our worship band provided the music as people handed out nachos. Why nachos? Because The RESCUE Church is "nacho" ordinary church!
The next project once again involved our EMT (Extreme Ministry Team). They removed and replaced a dangerous deck on the front of a Flandreau community member's home. Just a reminder that each project that is selected is an opportunity for you to be part of the team.
The Colman Campus hosted the Vacation Bible School and boy, oh boy, did they have a blast!
The RESCUE Church had a huge presence at the Looney Day in Colman. The morning started with participating in the parade followed by hosting a free carnival and then ending the day with a free community meal.
Tired yet? To top off the month we did a bit of painting at the Flandreau Campus.
We are committed to being the church!
  • The Flandreau Campus will resume Saturday evening services at 5 pm
  • Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University starts at our Colman Campus - open to everyone!

Our biggest announcement...........
Keep watching our website here for more information!

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