Friday, February 1, 2013

February 2013

As I write this we have had many days of sub zero weather. Some with wind chill, some without. Anyone who knows me can vouch for my intolerance to this extreme cold. Basically I'm a big baby. What keeps me going is remembering that spring will come. I scour the gardening catalogs planning what I will plant in my garden. I spend time on Pinterest repinning gardening and camping ideas. We already have our camping schedule done for the upcoming season!
This same coping works when there are seasons in my live when I'm feeling down and stuck. I spend time in the Bible and receive encouragement that I share with others, I pray and know that God hears me. I already know that I'm going to heaven when my time on earth is done.
I have had times in my life when I was a victim of depression and felt helpless against it. Since inviting Christ into my life and sincerely try to live as a 24/7 believer, not a one hour a week believer, I am no longer a victim. The feelings penetrate into my head but Christ keeps them out of my heart and there is no longer any hopelessness. I know depression no longer controls me, Christ does! - Chris

February is a busy month here at The RESCUE Church!
As The RESCUE Church continues to grow and see many new faces come through our doors, one consistent statement we hear from people is that, “This church is not like so many other churches I’ve seen.” And whether that’s intended in a positive or negative manner, the one thing just about everyone would agree on is that there is something very unique about The RESCUE Church! So what is it? What are the values that our church embraces? What is it that makes us who we are? We invite you to join us for our“iValue” series in which we’ll explore five core values that we believe have shaped us and caused us to be a church that captures the attention of others around us.
The new youth ministry, BreakOut, is kicking off on the evening of the Super Bowl!
If you want to help with this ministry in any way, please let Pastor Chase from the Flandreau Campus know. He has all the details of the whats & whens as they move forward with our newest ministry.
The Colman Campus is hosting a viewing of the Super Bowl on Sunday, February 3rd for people of all ages! Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided, feel free to bring a side dish or dessert.
Are you a seeker that’s curious to investigate what a relationship with God is all about? Are you a believer who desires to grow more in your walk with Jesus? Are you interested in learning more about The RESCUE Church or possibly even becoming a member? If your answer is YES to any of these, we invite you to join us for NEXT STEP, a 4-week small group class that will help you identify and take whatever the NEXT STEP God is calling you to take.

Contact Jamie VonEye from the Colman Campus for more information on this trip!


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