Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 2013

Happy New Year! The RESCUE Church was busy in 2012 reaching people and leading them to Christ. Here's a link to our video recap.
There has been alot of disscussion regarding God and prayer in school again this year, especially following the tragic shootings in Connecticut. I would like to offer my two cents worth. I believe God is in our schools whether we choose to acknowledge Him or not. I also believe that we need to be teaching our kids that prayer is more than reciting learned prayers that are simply memorized words said at certain times of the day or week while in a particular pose. Our kids need to know that prayer is simply talking to the One person who is ALWAYS ready and interested in what we have to say. The things that they readily write in a note or text or pick up their phone to say to a friend are what prayers are when directed to God. So you see, prayer will always be in school, in government buildings, at the grocery store, etc when we remember it is simply talking to God. I respect everyone who treasures a loved meal time prayer or other routine prayer, just remember there's so much more to prayer than that. When your goal is to spend eternity with someone you want to be comfortable talking to them about every part of your life. Chris
This helped to provide an excellent Christmas Banquet to members of our communities and will enable us to expand our technology to reach people around the world as well as down the road.

Delivering nutritious meals to those who have limited ability to provide for themselves is extremely rewarding. If you have not ever participated, make time the next time we are on the schedule.

Was this series FUN or what! When was the last time you had a snowball fight or helped yourself to a candy bar in church? And who can forget this video.
We had the privilege to serve a delicious catered meal and give Christmas gifts to some very special guests. We were honored to have them attend our banquet!
Never before has the Bible been more accessible to people in our world than it is today. Yet at the same time, many people in our culture suffer from biblical illiteracy and their lives are hurting because of it! We invite you to join us for this 4-week series where we will explain how knowing the Word of God benefits your life, equip you with some practical resources and tips for reading and studying the Bible, and introduce you to the Author of Scripture. It’s time to ‘WORD UP’ and begin a life-long journey of mastering God’s Word!
Remember, if you miss a message, you can watch them here. We are live every Sunday morning at 10 am here. If you want to join us in person, you can do that Saturdays at 5 pm at 300 E 2nd Ave, Flandreau, SD or Sunday mornings at 10 am at either 128 NE 3rd St, Colman, SD or 300 E 2nd Ave, Flandreau, SD. We'd love to have you as our guest!
Coming Event

The men will have their 3rd annual 36 hour ski trip to Terry Peak in February.
Watch our facebook as well as our bulletins for more information. 

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